:date: 2009-09-05 15:19:55 :tags: python ================================================================== buildoutで開発 番外編2: buildoutでDeliverance環境を作る ================================================================== `Zope/Plone勉強会3`_ でDeliverance環境を作った手順をまとめてみました。 とりあえず環境を作りたい!という人向け。 ちなみにDeliveranceについては以下を参照ください。 - `Deliveranceとは - CMSコミュニケーションズ[Zope/Plone]`_ - `Getting All Your Web Apps To Wear The Company Brand (JP)`_ (日本語) - `Deliverance v0.3 documentation`_ 環境を作る ------------ とりあえずVirtualEnv環境を作ります。PythonとVirtualEnvは入っている前提で。 .. topic:: virtualenv & install :class: dos | > cd c:/project/buildout | > virtualenv deliv | > cd deliv | > bin/activate | > easy_install zc.buildout | > mkdir deliv1 | > cd deliv1 deliv1フォルダにbuildout.cfgを書きます:: [buildout] parts = deliverance # mr.developer extensions = mr.developer sources = sources auto-checkout = deliverance [deliverance] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = deliverance PasteScript PasteDeploy [sources] deliverance = svn http://codespeak.net/svn/z3/deliverance/trunk buildoutを実行します。 .. topic:: buildout :class: dos | > buildout | ... | Installing deliverance. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\deliverance-proxy'. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\deliverance-speed'. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\deliverance-static'. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\deliverance-handtransform'. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\deliverance-tests'. | Generated script '..deliv1\\bin\\paster'. Deliveranceの設定ファイル等をPasterで自動生成します。 .. topic:: paster crate --list-templates :class: dos | > bin/paster.exe create --list-templates | Available templates: | basic_package: A basic setuptools-enabled package | deliverance: Basic template for a deliverance-proxy setup | deliverance_plone: Plone-specific template for deliverance-proxy | paste_deploy: A web application deployed through paste.deploy .. topic:: paster create -t deliverance :class: dos | > bin/paster.exe create -t deliverance | Selected and implied templates: | deliverance#deliverance Basic template for a deliverance-proxy setup | | Enter project name: DelivTest | Variables: | egg: DelivTest | package: delivtest | project: DelivTest | Enter host (The host/port to serve on) ['localhost:8000']: | Enter proxy_url (The main site to connect/proxy to) ['http://localhost:8080']: | Enter proxy_rewrite_links (Rewrite links from sub_host?) ['n']: | Enter password (The password for the deliverance admin console) ['']: admin | Enter theme_url (A URL to pull the initial theme from (optional)) ['']: theme | Creating template deliverance | Creating directory .\\DelivTest | ... できました。現時点のファイル構成:: c:\\Project\\buildout\\deliv\ +--bin | +-- deliverance-handtransform-script.py | +-- deliverance-handtransform.exe | +-- deliverance-proxy-script.py | +-- deliverance-proxy.exe | +-- deliverance-speed-script.py | +-- deliverance-speed.exe | +-- deliverance-static-script.py | +-- deliverance-static.exe | +-- deliverance-tests-script.py | +-- deliverance-tests.exe | +-- develop-script.py | +-- develop.exe | +-- paster-script.py | +-- paster.exe | +--DelivTest | +--etc | | +-- deliv-users.htpasswd | | +-- deliverance.xml | | +-- supervisor.d | | +-- supervisord.conf | +--logs | +--theme | | +-- style.css | | +-- theme.html | +--var | +--develop-eggs +--parts +--src +--deliverance + deliveranceのソースコード **【注意】ここで、Windowsの人はDeliveranceの不具合修正が必要かも.** `ここからパッチを取得してください`_ Deliveranceを設定する ----------------------- Deliveranceのコンフィグファイル ``DelivTest/etc/deliverance.xml`` をちょっと書き換えます。 1. htpasswd形式のファイルがめんどくさいので、管理画面のID/PWを直接指定します 2. proxy先をgoogleにしてみます 3. rule設定として、styleを全部削除してみます deliverance.xml:: localhost:8000 true 実行 ------ 起動します。 .. topic:: deliverance-proxy.exe etc/deliverance.xml :class: dos | > pwd | c:\Project\buildout\deliv\deliv1\DelivTest | | > ../bin/deliverance-proxy.exe etc/deliverance.xml | To see logging, visit http://localhost:8000/.deliverance/login | after login go to http://localhost:8000/?deliv_log | serving on http://localhost:8000 ブラウザで ``http://localhost:8000/`` にアクセスすると、 へんなGoogleの画面になるはず。 あとはtheme.htmlの書き方とか、ruleの書き方を勉強してカスタマイズするべし。 - `Deliverance v0.3 documentation`_ - `Deliverance Configuration`_ .. _`Deliverance v0.3 documentation`: http://deliverance.openplans.org/index.html .. _`Deliverance Configuration`: http://deliverance.openplans.org/configuration.html .. _`Zope/Plone勉強会3`: http://zope.jp/events/zope-plone-sprint-tokyo-3/ .. _`Deliveranceとは - CMSコミュニケーションズ[Zope/Plone]`: http://www.cmscom.jp/blog/232 .. _`Getting All Your Web Apps To Wear The Company Brand (JP)`: http://www.slideshare.net/knappt/getting-all-your-web-apps-to-wear-the-company-brand-jp .. _`ここからパッチを取得してください`: https://projects.openplans.org/deliverance/ticket/13 .. :extend type: text/html .. :extend: